Restore IP Addresses (Python)
posted @ 2014年2月09日 17:31
in LeetCode
, 2450 阅读
递归方法,str(int(s)) == s是为了去掉前导0,即Input="010010"时, Output不能是""之类的。
class Solution: # @param s, a string # @return a list of strings def getIP(self, currIP, s, currIndex): if currIndex == 3: if len(s) > 0: if str(int(s)) == s and int(s) <= 255: Solution.res.append(currIP + s) return length = len(s) for i in xrange(1,4): if length >= i and str(int(s[0:i])) == s[0:i] and int(s[0:i]) <= 255: self.getIP(currIP + s[0:i] + '.', s[i:], currIndex + 1) return def restoreIpAddresses(self, s): Solution.res = [] self.getIP('', s, 0) return Solution.res