Gas Station @ LeetCode (Python)
Distinct Subsequences @ LeetCode (Python)

Clone Graph @ LeetCode (Python)

kitt posted @ 2014年3月15日 16:36 in LeetCode , 2835 阅读

BFS和DFS应该都可以, 我用了BFS。根据一楼评论, 用了一个dictionary来记录所有新生成的node, 并且测试数据中有...#3,4,4#...的情况, 所以只要node一入队,就认为是visited. 而不是node出队时才认为是visited (这种情况下node 4会被访问两次)。

# Definition for a undirected graph node
# class UndirectedGraphNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.label = x
#         self.neighbors = []

class Solution:
    # @param node, a undirected graph node
    # @return a undirected graph node
    def cloneGraph(self, node):
        if node == None: return None
        newNodes = {node.label : UndirectedGraphNode(node.label)}
        q = collections.deque(); q.append(node)
        newQ = collections.deque(); newQ.append(newNodes[node.label])
        visited = set([node]) # A node will be visited as long as it's enqueued
        while q:
            currNode = q.popleft(); newCurrNode = newQ.popleft()
            for n in currNode.neighbors:
                if n.label not in newNodes:
                    newNodes[n.label] = UndirectedGraphNode(n.label)
                if n not in visited: 
                    q.append(n); newQ.append(newNodes[n.label])
                    visited.add(n) # A node will be visited as long as it's enqueued
        return newNodes[node.label]
有问题 说:
2014年3月31日 17:18

1,2,3 #2,3#3
访问2:队列3,3 <------队列中有重复节点,而且都会再访问一次。

kitt 说:
2014年4月01日 14:19

@有问题: 已更新,多谢提醒~

kitt 说:
2014年4月01日 14:23

@有问题: 速度确实快了, 原来要640ms, 现在440ms

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