Palindrome Partitioning @ LeetCode (Python)
posted @ 2014年4月09日 08:53
in LeetCode
, 3412 阅读
先求出每个子串是否为palindrome, 用isPal记录。isPal[i][j] == true含义是从s[i]到s[j]的子串(包含起点终点)是回文串。再用DFS。
First use isPal to record each substring is palindrome or not. "isPal[i][j] == true" means a substring starts from s[i] (included) to s[j] (included) is a palindrome. Then use DFS.
class Solution: # @param s, a string # @return a list of lists of string def partition(self, s): self.s, self.res, self.lenS =s, [], len(s) self.isPal = [ [False for j in xrange(self.lenS)] for i in xrange(self.lenS) ] for j in xrange(self.lenS): for i in reversed(xrange(j + 1)): if s[i] == s[j] and ( j - i <= 1 or self.isPal[i + 1][j - 1] == True): self.isPal[i][j] = True # True means substring from s[i](included) to s[j](included) is palindrome self.dfs(0, []) return self.res def dfs(self, start, L): if start == self.lenS: self.res.append(L) return for end in xrange(start, self.lenS): if self.isPal[start][end] == True: self.dfs( end + 1, L[:] + [self.s[start : end + 1]] ) # make a copy of list L and add a substring